Case Study

Building deep trust with social workers and students at East Side Union

Daybreak + East Side Union High School District

August 16, 2022

The Challenge

East Side Union's in-school social workers were at capacity and there were endless waitlists for students needing mental health care with outside providers.

The Outcome

East Side’s social workers—who refer students to Daybreak—are consistently impressed with the speed in which their students are matched with a licensed clinician from Daybreak. The efficacy of Daybreak's virtual therapy program created deep trust with staff and students appreciate the flexibility of having sessions after school hours or whenever is most convenient for them.

After just a few months of partnering with Daybreak, East Side Union has significantly expanded their program to meet the mental health needs of more students.

"Daybreak has built deep trust with our social workers and word is spreading that this is an amazing resource for our kiddos."
Emily Zavala, Subject Area Coordinator for Mental Health & Wellness

The Challenge

East Side Union's in-school social workers were at capacity and there were endless waitlists for students needing mental health care with outside providers.

The Outcome

East Side’s social workers—who refer students to Daybreak—are consistently impressed with the speed in which their students are matched with a licensed clinician from Daybreak. The efficacy of Daybreak's virtual therapy program created deep trust with staff and students appreciate the flexibility of having sessions after school hours or whenever is most convenient for them.

After just a few months of partnering with Daybreak, East Side Union has significantly expanded their program to meet the mental health needs of more students.

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